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Music Education
At OKM, we hope to bridge the music gap and engage children in the arts while increasing awareness of the importance of arts education.
Research indicates that while learning about music, actual exposure to quality music education provides developmental benefits to both youth and adults, including but not limited to positive social, cognitive, and cultural outcomes.
Exposure to quality music education promotes confidence, better test scores, improves motor skills, language development and creativity for children. Emotional development, stress relief, improved memory and social enjoyment are benefits for both adults and children. Music education also helps exercise your brain, can help promote team work and helps increase physical coordination. Exposure to music education also help both adults and children with cultural appreciation.
OKM Music hosts dozens of music educational events that engages guests in learning about and/or playing a musical instrument. Artists presenting concerts also share historical context of musical pieces performed as well as sharing their personal experiences in performing. OKM Music Patrons are also exposed to numerous composers allowing opportunities to explore various cultures.
OKM Music is dedicated to the arts for the area’s public schools, private schools and home-schooled students; For example, OKM Music arranges group master classes with professional artists in coordination with local schools. Our goal, like the master class offerings, is to get youth out of the audience and in direct contact with musicians and instruments.
Music education opportunities for children ages 4-11 is limited in underserved communities. The Salvation Army Conservatory provides a safe place for children during the summer and the opportunity to gain valuable social and cognitive skills through music instruction. Studies show that children who experience music instruction have higher spatial temporal reasoning skills. Thus, at OKM Music we hope to bring children of all ages the opportunities to be exposed to music that will increase their learning aptitude in the classroom.
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